Getting Things Done

Getting Things Done
(GTD) is an action management method, a trademark and the title of the book, which describes the method by David Allen.


An abstract of core principles of GTD are as follows:

Capture everything that you need to track or remember or act on in what Allen calls a 'bucket': a physical inbox, email inbox, tape recorder, notebook, PDA, or any combination of these. Unlike other Time Management authors, David Allen doesn't suggest any preferred collection method, leaving it to the choice of the practitioner. Consequently, any storage space that is inspected regularly is acceptable to GTD.

When you process your inbox, follow a strict workflow:
Deal with one item at a time.
If an item requires action:
If not,
File it for reference,
Incubate it for possible action later.
Two minutes is a guideline, roughly the time it would take to defer the action formally.

Allen describes a suggested set of lists, which you can use to keep track of items awaiting attention:
Next actions - For every item requiring your attention, decide what is the next action that you can physically take on it. For example, if the item is 'Write project report', the next action might be 'Email Fred for meeting minutes', or 'Call Jim to ask about report requirements', or something similar. Projects - every 'open loop' in your life or work, which requires more than one physical action to achieve, becomes a 'project'. Waiting for - when you have delegated an action to someone else or are waiting for some external event before you can move a project forward, this must be tracked in your system and periodically checked to see if action is due or a reminder needs to be sent.
'To-do' items should be reserved for the next action lists.
A final key-organizing component of GTD is the filing system. Even a single piece of paper, if you need it for reference, should get its own file if it doesn't belong in a folder you already have.

Any organizational system is no good if you spend all your time organizing your tasks instead of actually doing them!

One better abstract about GDT, from
  • identify all the stuff in your life that isn’t in the right place (close all open loops)
  • get rid of the stuff that isn’t yours or you don’t need right now
  • create a right place that you trust and that supports your working style and values
  • put your stuff in the right place, consistently
  • do your stuff in a way that honors your time, your energy, and the context of any given moment
  • iterate and refactor mercilessly

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Simmons, Reid G.
Massachusetts Inst of Tech Cambridge Artificial Intelligence Lab

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Department of Computer Science, Queen Mary, University of London
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